Monday, June 1, 2015

Recalculated Ecological Footprint

My original Ecological Footprint was 3.33 Earths. After recalculation, my new Ecological Footprint is 3.29 Earths.

Originally, my Food Footprint was the largest contributor at over 50 global acres. Now that I have chosen to shop at natural food stores and purchase all organic foods, this has been reduced. The largest contributor now is my Carbon Footprint at 45.22 global acres. This footprint is understandable because I am still driving to and from school and work regularly, as well as making monthly trips to Snohomish to visit my family. I do, however, carpool fairly regularly.

My goods and services footprint has always been pretty low. I try not to buy new things unless I really need them, and when I do, I check the thrift shops first.

My housing footprint remains relatively unchanged since I still have the same living arrangement that I had before (in an older rental house that is lacking in efficient appliances, insulation, etc.). My efforts to take shorter showers and unplug electronics when they're not in use don't seem to be making much of a difference on the overall energy and water consumption of my household. This is mostly due to the fact that I have four roommates that are not making the same efforts that I am. However, I feel as though the goals I set for myself have helped change my own habits in favor of sustainability and my persistence with these goals has put sustainability in the minds of my roommates as well. They have all become avid recyclers (probably because they can't handle my look of disgust when I find a can in the trash). No matter their reasoning, it makes me happy to know that people will be more responsible about their decisions if they know that it makes a difference in someone else's life.

In the future, I will continue to unplug, take short showers, shop locally and naturally, and eat less meat. I will also try to inspire my roommates to do the same so that our efforts may show a reduction in the monthly bills. If unplugging means they don't have to pay as much, then they will be able to reap the benefits of conservation efforts and may in turn try other sustainable behaviors.

I'm satisfied to know that small changes in my everyday life were able to reduce my footprint, even if it's only by a fraction of a planet. I'm now inspired to reduce it even more, and will probably continue to check my Ecological Footprint as more changes are made.

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