Monday, April 6, 2015

My Ecological Footprint

According to the Center of Sustainable Economy, my ecological footprint was calculated to be 3.33 Earths. This means that it would take 3.33 Earths in order to be sustainable if everyone lived the way that I do. Considering the fact that I live in an extremely environmentally conscious city and actively try to live a relatively green life, this number is shocking. What's even more shocking is that my footprint is about 52% of the average American's. In other words, the average American would need over 5 of our planets to sustain their lifestyles. Yikes.

Of the different sections, my Food Footprint was the largest contributor at 52.59 global acres. Being an omnivore, I eat an assortment of all kinds of foods including meat, seafood, and poultry. The majority of the food that I buy is organic, but unfortunately I have a habit of shopping at stores such as Fred Meyer or Haggen instead of the community food co-op.

The portion of my footprint that was closest to the country's average was my Carbon Footprint. This one doesn't surprise me too much since I drive myself to school every day, to work every couple days, and home to my parent's house about once a month. I'm embarrassed to admit that I hardly ever use public transit or methods of active transport.

As for my housing footprint, this section is almost entirely out of my control since I am currently staying in a fairly old rental home. It is lacking in energy efficient appliances and fixtures, and I'm sure it was not made out of sustainable materials when it was built. However, as a household we try our hardest to recycle all that we can, keep the thermostat down low, and leave lights off as often as possible.

To reduce my footprint, I vow to:
1) Only eat meat 3 days a week
2) Unplug all appliances in my bedroom and kitchen every night (besides the fridge)
3) Buy all my food from the Community Food Co-op

I hope these things will help my lifestyle grow a little greener. As I make small adjustments like these, one step at a time, I will be working towards a more sustainable future for not only me, but those (such as my roommates) whom I am able to influence along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Brittany! These are ambitious goals -- good luck! Well worth the effort, though!!!! 50/50 points
